What Can I Change?

With YouCustomizeIt, you can change anything and everything about your design.

The background, the pattern, the colors, the graphics, the personalization, the personalization style; customize one of our templates, or upload your own design.

Let's explore each in more detail.

The Background:

The background can be any artwork - from Van Gogh's masterpieces, to your child's artwork, to a photograph you took. In our design elements library, we have a collection of some of the most famous masterpieces in fine art such as Starry Night, Apple Blossoms, Irises, Kandinsky, The Kiss etc.

You can upload your own masterpieces!

Backgrounds can also be seamless patterns . We have over 3000 different seamless patterns in our library. Many of these patterns are re-colorable , so you can customize the colors .

Just adding to beauty of design and décor, why restrict ourselves to a single background?

So with YouCustomizeIt, you have a choice of the number of backgrounds you want! You can select single , double or triple backgrounds !

Double backgrounds are so much fun as they can be arranged horizontal , vertical or concentric !

The Foreground:

Some people love the simplicity of a beautiful background or a pattern, while others like to take things to the max with graphics, text, and personalization.

Here at YouCustomizeIt, it is about you! You get to decide where you fall on this spectrum of simplicity; to glam it up when it comes to décor and personalization.

The foreground design elements include ribbons, frames, graphics, personalization &, templates.

Ribbons add a really nice touch your design, especially when they are done in the same or a complimentary color. We have many different styles of ribbons for you to choose from and many of the ribbons can also be re-colored. We also have ribbon makers for you to make your own.

You can customize one our ribbons, our ribbon makers, or you can upload you own ribbon. Artwork that repeats in one direction, or is really wide, works well for ribbons.

Frames are a perfect addition for a number of reasons. Adding personalization inside a frame on a busy background makes it really stand out. Frames can also add to the theme pattern. We have many different label shapes (e.g. round, square, rectangles), and thematic styles (e.g. sports balls, floral, Easter, musical, etc.).

You can select and customize one of our frames or upload your own!

Personalization is truly a choice on YouCustomizeIt . Some people want everything personalized, while others do not want anything personalized.

Not only do you get to decide if you want personalization, you get do decide the style of personalization you want.

Most of design templates have personalization, because it is a one click remove !

Personalization style i.e. Initial, Initials or Monograms, Name or Text, or Name & Initial is also your choice at YouCustomizeIt.

Examples of YouCustomizeIt Customization

With YouCustomizeIt, you can change anything about this design (patterns, colors, graphics, etc.) for free. Our design library is loaded with options for you to choose from, or you can upload your own.

Need Help? You can always talk/chat with our design experts.

At YouCustomizeIt, you can change anything about your product's design (i.e. the pattern, the colors, the graphics, the personalization, etc.). Our vast design elements library is FREE for you to use. You can also upload your own. Need Help? You can always talk or chat with our design experts.